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    Second Annual 1 Shot Grill Out + Sitka Clearance Event

    Second Annual 1 Shot Grill Out + Sitka Clearance Event
    Join us for an exciting day of outdoor adventure and great deals at the Second Annual 1 Shot Grill Out + Sitka Clearance Event on Saturday, June 10th. We have an incredible lineup of guest speakers this year, including Steven Drake, John Barklow, and Dustin Roe, who will be sharing their expertise and insights in their respective fields. This is an event you won't want to miss!


    Early Season Turkey Hunting: Blind vs. "Run and Gun” by Frank Peralta

    Early Season Turkey Hunting
    The early season is one of the most exciting times to pursue wild turkeys. The birds are still in large groups and are generally more vocal and active than later in the season. But early season turkey hunting can also be challenging, as birds can be reluctant to break off from large groups. Here are some early season turkey hunting tactics to help you increase your chances of success.


    HUNTING THE COYOTE BREEDING SEASON: Tactics and Gear By Frank Peralta

    If you are new to coyote hunting, you may ask what time of year these wiley critters are most active. Most seasoned predator hunters are going to point you to the breeding season. Depending on your location, this generally lands between the months of January and March. During this breeding period, coyotes are actively searching out mates. Once paired up, they will become increasingly territorial and protective of their home range to ensure they can safely raise their offspring after their very short gestation period of about 60 days.

